Saturday 18 February 2017

What are most people seeking?

I think I am a pretty normal person.
I think that the things I've learned are fairly typical of most people.
When I look back on the decisions I made at various stages of life, I feel fairly comfortable with the outcome.
However, there were some things that I would do differently if I knew the then, what I know now. ...... I think that could also be said by many other people.
Decisions are based on "what we want" at any given time.
And there lies the problem .
Knowing "what we want" seems to be most often driven by a short-term need.
Most decisions taken on that basis seem to be a temporary fix, and flow into the next short-term need.
For example, most people don't even think about 'health' until that are in their 30's.
Before that it's mainly about the way they look, and maybe fitness.
Most younger people seek a good job opening, and then a career path.
People with children have a different set of other "wants" 
Older people health and retirement becomes an issue.
Through this spectrum. a whole array of short-term "wants" proliferate through the population.
Eventually there comes a time when we get to reflect the outcome of our decisions.
There is an old saying from "traditional wisdom" .... 
It warns us .... "Be careful of what you wish for."
Sometimes, and more often than we would like to admit, the very thing we wish for leads to an unexpected situation that causes us more distress.
It appears that the way we approach our "wish list" should be from a different perspective. ....... More of a "long-term view.
Deciding on what type of lifestyle we want seems to be a much better way of determining what we should be doing on a daily basis.
If we have a picture of our lifestyle in mind, we can make decisions that are in line with that outcome.   Of course, Short-term aspects that arise as we proceed must be dealt with out of urgency, but not as a matter of change.
Embrace good opportunities, and deal with the bad stuff at it comes along, without taking your eye off the main objective .... the lifestyle that you seek.
Let us create a scenario .... let's say your dream is a great house , car, holidays , good education, plenty of money, a meaningful and interesting set of enjoyable activities, time freedom and the ability to travel at will. ... A very nice picture !  
Most of the short-term decisions made by most people would automatically shut out that kind of life, and it would forever remain ... a dream.
However, there are many people who have achieved that type of lifestyle.
They will always say "It is the road less traveled" my most people because of stereotyped choices.  These days, I tend to agree.